Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday October 20th

Well, Josie continues to amaze us.... She is rolling all over the place, and hates to sit still. She hates going to sleep, so therefor she fights her sleep ALL DAY LONG!!!!
She is almost 15 pounds now, growing like a weed, and looking more and more like her brother everyday...
We had our Chef's Auction last night for the March of Dimes fundraiser in Akron. It was the first time I had told Josie's story in public..... It was great, believe it or not, I help myself together, it was a little iffy at one time..... The crowd was in tears....... As so was Daddy, Grandma, Nan and Pa!!! They did a slide show of Josie from day one until now, she has came such a long way!
She is coming off her oxygen, slow but sure, I still don't wanna rush her.
She's just perfect.........
Well, that's all for now, update you all more later, she is needing my attention right at this moment, and she has NO patience...... LOL
Love to you all!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, Josie continues to amaze us all. Almost 13 pounds, and is just a joy. She is wound for sound the moment her eyes open, just like her big brother Easton. Had her appointment with the pulminoligist Friday, and he wanted to take her off the oxygen completely, but I, as her mother, did not feel that she was ready for that. I don't want to rush her. She does great when it's off, but there are times that I KNOW she needs it. I have decided to just slowly ween her off, I let her have as much freedom as I think she need with it right now.
I have become a very active person with the March of Dimes since the birth of Josie. I guess I just feel that if I can help prevent one baby from going through, and fighting, like Josie did, then I will be happy. I have been working with Nikki from the Canton March of Dimes, and her and I are meeting with the corporate people next week, and getting a walk in our local area. I have set up our first support meeting for parents and family members from our area that have dealt with prematurity, birth defects and infant mortality. Our first meeting is scheduled for Thursday. I hope it's a huge success. We will be organizing the walk here, working on fundraising, and letting people know what they can do when there are faced with these certain obstacles.
Other than all that, we are all doing great. Just enjoying life with my children, and watching them grow and learn new things everyday.
I am asking for special prayers tonight, for a little baby boy that was born a week ago at 30 weeks. His name is Boston and he weighed 2 pounds 3 ounces and was 15 inches long. He was transfered to another NICU today, because he has to have surgery in the morning for a bowel obstruction. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We ALL know that the POWER OF PRAYER is amazing!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well, hard to believe that Josie is 7 months old now. Where has the time went? She is doing great. Still using the oxygen when she eats and sleeps,and sometimes if she wears herself out. She is on the go all the time, and her and Easton keep me on my toes.
She is just a little over 12 pounds now, and is growing like a weed. Crazy to look back at how much she has grown in the last few months.
Still getting her infusions once a month, but now that she has had the med port put in, it is much, much easier. It was hard to have to have her go through that but it really has benefited her the last couple times. She doesn't even know that she has been stuck with that HUGE needle, she just lays there smiling, sucking her fingers.
She loves to roll around, and loves to sit up, with a little help still, but that's ok, she is definitely getting the hang of it. She amazes me more and more everyday.
I have been working on my speech for the March of Dimes fundraiser coming up in October. It will be the first time that I have told her story to anyone other than family, but I am really looking forward to it. Also, we are working with the March of Dimes to have a walk in our local area. We are just starting, so no dates have been set yet, but as soon as they are, I will definitely post them. Also, a friend and myself who both have had preemie babies are thinking of starting a support group locally, not only for preemie parents and their families, but parents who's children have birth defects, and also parents and families who have lost their little angels. We are hoping that this will be a great success! The March of Dimes needs to be recognized, and we are hoping to help. I know deep down that if it had not been for the courageous strength of little Josie, the wonderful staff at Aultman hospital and the March of Dimes, Josie would not be with us today, and we as a a family will FOREVER be grateful to them all.
I have been looking through my pictures the last few nights getting them in order, and to this day, I still find it hard to swallow at times. I look and just think how in the world did we get through that. It really is a distant memory, until I look at those pictures.
She is absolutely amazing, and grows so much day to day. She looks and acts so much like Easton. They are going to be great buddies, I just know it. Hopefully they don't gang up on Dusty and I too much. LOL
So, we hope that you all are doing great, and we will update more as we get it. Thanks and Love to all who have been there with us the last 7 months, you know who you are, and we will always remember you all.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Big Day- - - -

Well we went for Josie's infusion today at the pulminoligist in Akron, and we also hed her monthly visit while we were there, and much to our surprise, the Dr. told us that Josie only has to wear her oxygen when she eats and sleeps now. We are thrilled, it is so weird to see her without anything on her face. She has done great today without it. She just amazes us more and more everyday....
She is almost 12 pounds and growing like a weed. Won't be long and she will be going all by herself... I will post pictures soon, just wanted to give everyone the GREAT update....
Thank you for all your prayers and continued support...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

6 MONTHS OLD~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, In 53 minutes Josie Lynn Marie will be 6 months old. Where has the last 6 months gone. She is doing absolutely amazing. A little over 11 pounds and has rolled over, coo's, and smiles all the time. She is just such a miracle. It's hard to believe that she is the same little girl that fit in our hand 6 months ago. I remember the first time I held her, I actually was nervous, my heart raced, and my palms were sweating like they never had before, by the time we left the NICU, it was an old routine. Since we have came home, I have been her Mom, friend, nurse, and Dr.. I have learned so much in the past few months. Trust me, I never wanna repeat it, but it has made me a stronger and better person. She and Easton are my world. They are what I live for each and everyday!
So, she went to the eye Dr. the other day, and got a clean bill of health. Her eyes are perfect!!! No more visits for 4 months!!!! Her yes are 100% PERFECT, A REAL DREAM COME TRUE TO US!!!
Thank you all for your prayers. We really appreciate it!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Wow, hard to believe that little Miss Josie will be 6 months old in a few days. Where has the time gone? She is doing great since her port placement surgery, she is almost up to 11 pounds. Monday she rolled over for the first time, she loves to smile, and just sit and talk (coo) with you.... She is just absolutely amazing! Things are just great, she has even started to help hold her bottle, she can do it by herself for a few seconds, and then she lets me take over again. Everyday she does so much more. Easton and Josie are so funny together. He loved her soooo much, he has to hug and kiss on her all the time. He always checks her oxygen, and says "Mom, she is OK..." It is so funny. He too has learned so much in 6 months. He has grown up so fast it seems, it is just great to see them together!
Easton is in transitioning for school, he will start pre-school in January, that's if I can let him go. I just hate it, he has grown up sooo fast. Seems like only yesterday he was the size of Josie, now school? Ughhhh, makes me old. He is so smart, and funny, he gets that from me... He says he is going to be a fireman.... Time will tell......
So, everything is great, and we are all getting along just fine.... Love to you all.....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Surgery Day

Well, it's about 4:30 in the morning, and Josie and I are just sitting here! Today is her surgery day to have her med port placed. I have been dreading this day for a week now. I just wish that she did not have to go through this, I would give anything to trade her places and do this for her. I swore to myself and her that after 100 days in the NICU, I would never leave her again, and now, I have to hand her off to some stranger to do this surgery to her. Honestly, I am just sick... Her and I have been up for a little while, and I just get this huge lump in my throat whenever her little blue eyes look into mine. If I could just make this better for her!
Soon, it will all be over and she will be back to being the happy little princess she is... I will update you all as soon as I get access to a computer, but I have one more favor to ask.
Please as you have all done sooooo many times in the past, please, please pray for her. I know that my grandfather will be watching over her today, but the prayers of others are always helpful...
Thank you all so much...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bump In The Road......

Well, Josie was not able to get her last infusion. It is just toooo much for her. So, on Thursday at 2:00 p.m. she will have surgery to have a port put in. Things were just going to smoothly, there was bound to be a bump in the road. I just wish that I could trade her places and do this for her. When is enough enough for her. She has been through so much, it's just heartbreaking.
Every Dr. has said that this is the best route for her in the long run, and the way that I look at it is, we have trusted them this long, so we can't lose faith now, right? A girlfriend of mine gave me a new quote, and i just love it...
"If God brought you to it, then God will get you through it". That is the truth.
I know that she is a strong little girl, but it is just so scary. Just the idea of surgery and what she will feel makes my stomach turn.
I'm just glad that she will never remember this. Once we get through this, we will be back on the road to happy and healthy.
She is 9 pounds 8 ounces....
Cooing, and smiling all the time. She is just absolutely amazing!!!! So we are asking once again for you all to please keep her in your prayers!
I will update you more as we get it....
Thanks soooo much.
Love to all.......

Sunday, July 12, 2009

5 MONTHS OLD~~~~~~~~

WOW, JOSIE IS 5 MONTHS OLD TODAY!!!! Where has the time went. It still feels like only yesterday that she was brought to us so early... I still have a hard time sometimes realizing that everything is ok!!! I guess things were just bad for toooo long, and now, she is doing exceptionally well.
We just stayed around home today. My cousin had her daughters 1st birthday party today, but we did not attend, I was a little nervous of taking her around all those little ones, so we just stayed home and enjoyed the day!!
She is doing great, good reports from all Dr.'s so far, so we will keep praying that things continue to do so well for her. She definitely deserves it.
As for Easton, he loves her more and more each day. It brings tears to my eyes when I see them together. When he holds her hands when she's crying, or if he has to hug and kiss her when he leaves the room, these are the best days of my life.
These 2 little children have brought me such happiness, I can't even begin to explain. I think Easton matures by 5 years each night in his sleep. He just totally amazes me. He is wonderful....
Dusty is great, busy working, trying to make up for some of the time that he has missed in the last 5 months, but he'll get there.
We have a couple date nights planned, in September, we are both in a wedding, and then in November we have the Army's military ball. So that gives us a couple nights to ourselves. MY Mom and Dad are the lucky ones who get to entertain the kids overnight those two nights. LOL They will ALL have a blast.

Hope you all are enjoying your summer, take care and be safe. Love to all!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th Of July ~

Happy 4th of July, and also Happy Birthday to my husband. Josie got to experience her first set of fireworks last night at Seneca Lake, and then tonight in Caldwell. We stayed in the van, but it was so great for the 4 of us to all get to go together. Easton loved them, and Josie slept right through them. Go figure. Next year they both will be running around, and we won't be able to get them to sit or sleep. LOL
While we were there tonight I got to see some family friends that I have not had the chance to see since Josie was born. One coached my softball team, and the other was my girl scout leader when i was a little girl. They see my mom quite often and ask about my kids all the time. So, it was very nice to see them and their entire family tonight. I think that we all had a moment when we first saw each other. So, to the Franklins, thank you so much for all your prayers. It was great to see you!
Other than that, nothing really going on. Hope you all have a Happy and Safe 4th.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Well, we had our second appointmet with the pulminoligist today, and he said that she is growing beautifully! She weighes 8 pounds 14 ounces... What a ham...................
She is still on the 8th of a liter of oxygen, and he wants to keep her on that for a little while longer just so that she can put all her effort into eating and continue to grow well. He's afraid that if he takes the oxygen away, then she will have to put so much work into breathing and eating that she will not continue to gain as well as she has. So, he knows best... I think she likes that thing in her nose anyways. LOL
As for her infusions for her immune deficiency, we were not as lucky. He said that the blood work that he drew was not good. Meaning that her levels for her immune system are extremely low.. These infusions are something that she might have to do for a very long time, and possibly forever. If the nurses have a hard time with the IV again, the she MIGHT have to go to Akron's Children and have surgery to have a port put in. I hope and pray that we do not have to put her through that. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!!
So, that is the bug news for now. She is just loving life right now....
We hope that you all have a Happy and safe 4th of July... Dusty's birthday is July 4th, so Josie will get to attend her first birthday party!!!
Happy 4th!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday June 30th...

Well little Miss Josie weighs 8 pounds 12 ounces. She is just growing like a weed. Really don't have a lot to post right now, we are just staying pretty busy.... She loves to go places, and be outside.
She is smiling, and focusing on all things now. She holds her head right up and looks at us. She is so strong. She loves for you to put her on her belly, and us to put our hands behind her feet and she just pushes across the floor. She loves to sit up in your arms and be able to see everything, the only time she likes to lay down now is if she's sleeping, and that's not very often either.
She is such a little miracle. She has just blossomed into a precious little girl so full of life. We cherish everyday with her....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Night

Wow, we have been so busy, and it has been so nice out that Josie has really been able to enjoy the outside. On Saturday we ventured to the zoo, and she slept the entire time.. She did great though. We kept her visors pulled, and didn't let ANYONE touch her, she just enjoyed the ride.
We put a pool up last night, so she was able to spend some time outside today, under the patio of course... She is almost 9 pounds and is changing so much,. She loves to just sit and stare at us, she can really focus now.
We got great news from the physical and occupational therapy- They said that she is doing great and that they will check on her once a month, but at this time she is doing more than what she should be. So, obviously we are thrilled!!!
We have a small break from Dr.'s appointments until the 30th, so we are going to just enjoy being at home, and enjoy this lovely weather.....
Love to you all......

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY- Wednesday afternoon

Wow, what a busy week we have had. Josie is up to 8 pounds 4 ounces now. She is getting so big so fast! We went to the pulminoligist on Monday, and he said that she was doing great. We have her at an 8th of a liter of oxygen and she is doing so well with it. She is sure keeping us busy. Easton is loving her, we lay her on the floor and he loves to lay beside her, I think that they will be best buds when they get older, I'm sure they will!
We go back to the pulminoligist in 2 weeks and w will see what goes on then, we know that he is going to taker her off her diuretics, so that is a big step for her, she has been on them since she got sick.
She had her other infusion of the artificial immune globlins, and she did ok once they got the I.V. in her head. I hate when they have to put it in her head, but her veins are so small, and the infusion takes 6 hours, so they have to find a big vein to hold up for the whole infusion.
Hopefully we don't have to do that again, that was her 3rd one....
So, we are staying very busy, just loving being home with our family. She has went a few places, but not to many, still just a little scary.
We will keep you all updated. Talk to you all soon. Love you all.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009


So, Josie will be 4 months old tomorrow! Crazy how fast the time has went. She had a check up today and she weighed 7 pounds and 14 ounces. Almost 8 pounds. She is doing great, as you can see she is growing like a weed. Nothing really new, we will have more of an update Monday.....
Take care, and love to you all.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon

Well, I think that the wrong people got the impression on my venting episode last night. LOL I was talking about the other side of the family. LOL My family and friends have been wonderful. Barbie, we love you, and are thinking of you and your sister, and we are all praying for her. I will get you your pictures SOON!!
Morgan and Justin and Cade, you guys are great! We can't wait for you to meet our Little miss Josie, we know that you care so much, your posts sure do show it....
Paula, we have to set up a date for you to meet her. You are always in our thoughts and we can't wait to see you with her...
To all My wonderful family and friends we know that you are there. We love you all so much..
Josie is sleeping right now, a little upset belly today, so we are just relaxing and watching cartoons. Hope you all are enjoying the wonderful weather...
Busy weekend with Josie's infusion on Sunday and the palminoligist on Monday!
We will let you all know what we find out...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday Night

So, things are still going great! Just busy! We have family here from Tennessee visiting, and getting the chance to meet Miss Josie. Everyone just can't get over how small she is, I tell them that they should have seen her 4 months ago, that was small. She is doing so wonderful!
Nothing really new, haven't had any Dr.'s appointments, so we have no new news.....
We are so glad that MY family and friends have been there for us, and have taken the time out of there busy schedules to come and visit, or give us a call. Some family that is close doesn't bother to call, it's the family that has to drive for hours that really shows they care. Can you tell some frustration has set in. Dusty and I now see who the real ones are that care...
Can you tell that we have been having our serious talks. We both agreed that someday those people will regret the decisions that they have made, and it will be too late. All WE can say is THANK GOD for my family and friends...
So, now that I have vented to you all, and you think that I have lost my mind, I am going to go and relax with the family! I'm sure that you all have felt this way sometime or another in your life, or maybe not, maybe I was the only one that got sucked in... LOL
Love to you all!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday- - -

Well, I think that we have taken another huge sigh of relief, actually, I know we have. We had to go get Josie's hearing retested yesterday, because she failed her screening when we left the NICU. They were afraid that some of the medicine that we had to give Josie to fight the infections had damaged her hearing. But, IT DID NOT!!!!!! SHE PASSED ALL HEARING TESTS!
Then we had her eye exam, and everything is now normal. YES!!!! NO TROUBLE. What a miracle! If we could just get her a new set of lungs. LOL She is getting there, slow but sure, it just takes time and patients!!
She is doing great! She weighs 7 pounds and 6 ounces as of Tuesday! She is getting so big!
My Aunt and her entire family is coming in the weekend from Tennessee, they are so excited to meet her. It has been so hard for them all being so far away!
Everything is going great, and just what we expected. Easton is doing well, still adapting, he hasn't told me to take her back for a few days now, so I think that it might be setting in that she is here to stay!
All is well, and thanks again for everything to all of you! We hope you continue to follow her journey!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Night

Well, the weekend is over. Is sure was beautiful out. We went to my MOm and Dad's, and Easton ran wild!!!! My grandma who was here from New York visiting is leaving in the morning. Months. months ago, she decided to come so that she could be here in May when Josie was born, but as we all know Josie decided to come a lot earlier then that. It is soooo hard to say good bye, and she just loves the kids so so so much. She is planning on coming back in September and staying the winter, so we will be looking forward to that. I love when she comes, and hate when she leaves. Easton just loves her so much, he will not understand why she is not here. It has been so amazing to have her here, and be here for Josie's homecoming!
Josie is doing great! Eating 3 ounces every three hours. She is such a pig! She has changed so much since we brought her home. It's amazing! She weighed 7 pounds on Friday, so I can't wait to see what she weighs in the morning! I have lots of new pics, just gotta get the time to put them all up! LOL It's a little rough with her and Easton sometimes, lol, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday- One Week Since Homecomng!

It has been one week since Josie finally made it home. What a week it has been. She weighs 7 pounds .4 ounces today, She is filling out so much. She is doing wonderful, they say that when they come home, they blossom, and she has definitely done that.
She basically just sleeps and eats, she is starting to have a little more awake time, but with her chronic lung disease, eating is a lot of work.
She failed her hearing test, so they are afraid that with all the medicine that she was on, she might have some hearing loss. We got to Akron Childrens on Wednesday, and we will know more then. If she does, then we will deal with it. At this point, I am just so thankful to have her home in our arms, I can handle that. We will be just fine.
We have a lot of Dr.'s appointments in the next few weeks, but I will post as soon as I have the time. Easton and Josie keep me pretty busy.
Easton is doing well, still adjusting, but that is to be expected, we can't forget that he's only 2!
Dusty and I are doing great, It's nice to spend time together and all be in one place and not running different directions. Life is good!!!!!!
I'll update more later!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday Night

Hello everyone. Hope everything is well with you all. Josie is doing great. We went to the Dr. today and she weighed 6 pounds and 12 ounces!!! She is doing great! We have the oxygen and the Apnea monitor, and that is a little challenging at times, but it could be so much worse.
Off to the Dr,'s again next week.
Just staying around home and enjoying the kids. The last week has been so great....

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

So, we hope everyone had a safe and happy memorial day. We had a cookout at my Mom and Dad's, and just enjoyed everyone being all together. This was Josie's first holiday at home, and yup, she slept right through it. LOL
She has had some visitors, and everyone has laughed at me. I have told everyone that we would appreciate if they would shower right before they come , and that when they get here they have to wash, and use hand sanitizer. Everyone comes in saying "We know the drill." Thank you guys for all being so understanding. We just want to be as careful as we can.
Easton is doing great with her. He calls her belly button hernia a wackie, and then he has to pull his pants down and show everyone that he has one too... I can't wait to tell him that story when he's older. He has done a wonderful job adapting to all this new stuff.
Josie is doing good. Changing every day! I will post pictures soon.... Thanks for everything everyone. We really appreciate it

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday Night

Wow, what an amazing couple of days we have had. We got home around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, and we have just been enjoying our time as a family. She has done so well adapting to being home. She is eating GREAT, and growing like a weed. We are just so relieved to be home.
Easton has done so well, he has gotten a little rough a couple times, but other than that, he has done great!
It was a little hard to leave the NICU, they have become our other family, and we are so grateful for them.
For now, we will just enjoy our time as a family, I will post things as I can. LOL Sometimes it gets a little hectic around here. lol......
Thanks for all your prayers, I'll post some pics soon! Love To All...............

Friday, May 22, 2009

WE SURVIVED THE NICU!!! Friday Morning

So, today is here, and it is one of the most amazing days of my life. Finally after 100 long, long days in the NICU, and days of sitting in the chair holding Josie watching families come and go out of the NICU, it's FINALLY our turn. We will make our last trip to the Aultman NICU today. We will bring our little miracle home. Josie weighs 6 pounds 5.3 ounces and is doing great! She will get to meet her family today. I think that this is the most emotional day that I have had in a long time. I am just so excited to be able to walk out of there today, it is so hard to explain. For those of you who have lived in the NICU experience, you know just what I am feeling, and for those who have followed our journey, you can only imagine. I thank each and everyone of you for all your prayers, I know that I have said it before, but I will say it again. We really believe that it is the power of prayer that has made it possible for Josie's homecoming today..
So, we will leave here around 7:30 a.m. and get to Aultman around 9:00 a.m. and then shortly after that it will be my turn to become her full time Mommy, FINALLY!!!!
I think that a million people have asked me if I am nervous because Josie is going to come home on the oxygen and the apnea monitor. My answer is that, "No, I'm not nervous, but I am aware and on my toes, and will be for months an months to come. I am going to enjoy my 2 children, and make as many memories that I can with them. I am looking forward to holding both my babies today, and come home, and have us all under one roof."
So, I will post later tonight, when the kids are asleep, and tell you all about our day.
Thank you again to ALL of you, we love you all.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday Night

Well, Josie is doing great, and as far as we know, Friday is the big day. Finally after 3 1/2 months we are able to bring her home.
I have a lot to do, I am going to be her mom, and her nurse, but I am so ready, and i know that I can handle it. I just need her home.
So, I was rocking Easton tonight, and it dawned on me that tomorrow night will be the lase night that it is just the three of us. Don't get me wrong, we all want her home, but it is just a change, a good change, but it's change...... Easton is such a smart little boy, he is going to be just fine. He is potty training, and he is doing awesome, NO accidents in 4 days..... We are so proud of him.. It's hard to watch him grow up, I just wish he could stay small forever! He has done so well through all of this, it's just amazing to me how well he adjusts.
So, all my cleaning is done, and I will be receiving her oxygen and her apnea monitor tomorrow morning and then I am taking it to the hospital.
I said a few goodbyes to the nurses today that will not be there the day we go home. It was soooooooo hard, harder then I could ever imagine. The Nurse Practitioner that put Josie on the vent the night that she started to get so sick, Fran, we had a very emotional moment. I really feel that she saved Josie's life, that is she had not seen all the signs, then Josie might not be here. She will forever hold a very special place in our hearts.
So, were almost there. I can't believe that I actually survived the NICU! What a roller coaster! Friday will be the 100th day that Josie was in the NICU.. 100 DAYS! That is just crazy, but here we are preparing for her homecoming, we truly are blessed, and our prayers were definitely answered!
Again, we thank each and every one of you for your prayers. We love you all...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Early, Early, Wednesday Morning (12:45 a.m.)

Well, I am just sitting here with a million things running through my head, I can't even sleep.... It is so hard to believe that we are going to be bringing Josie home soon. I am just so thrilled.. It will be great to have her home, and be her full time Mom now..
We will miss the nurses so much, they have became part of our family, so therefor, it will be hard to say goodbye. They are all amazing people, and we will forever hold a special place for them in our hearts!
I think all my stuff is done for her homecoming, all I have left is to shampoo carpets, and I am going to do that tomorrow night. I just hope that we have everything that we need.
So, I am going to sit and relax, and enjoy this quiet time, I have a feeling I won't get to much relaxing done in the next few weeks, we will ALL be adjusting to all these new things going on..
It is true Barbie, all our prayers have been answered. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for her the last few months, you all are so dear to our hearts, and we can't wait for you all to get to meet Josie one day.....
Love to you all!!!!


Well, It looks like all our dreams and prayers are about to be answered! As of right now, if everything keeps going good, and Josie keeps eating well, then we will be home FRIDAY!!!! I am so excited, I just can't hardly breath. We have waited soooooo long for this.
I have dreamed about this day for a long long time, and now, it's here. It is the most emotional thing I have ever done. It has been such a roller coaster, but it has made me a lot stronger. You know that saying, What don't kill ya will only make ya stronger....... THAT'S FOR SURE.....
So, as long as things keep going well, and she doesn't tire out, we will be home sweet home.... We will be quarantined to the house for the next year, but it will all be worth it. LOL
I went to WalMart today, it will probably be the last time I'm there for a year, ok, so that's a little overboard, but it will definately be a long time. Who cares as long as the four of us are together each and every night from here on out!
I would like to thank you all for your prayers, please continue until we are home safe and sound... Thanks, and love to all.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday Night

Well, they took Josie's feeding tube out today, and they are going to see how she does without it, eating all her bottles, I'm not sure though, she gets very tired after a while, but time will tell. She has done great today, I'm just not sure how she will do in the middle of the night.
She weighs 6 pounds 3 ounces, and is getting bigger and bigger each day.
Josie's little boyfriend Cooper that went home a couple weeks ago, his mom, Kristen came to visit me today at the hospital, that was nice, we talk all the time on the phone, but it was nice to see them again.....
So, if Josie does what we think she will and can eat all her bottles, then we are looking to be discharged on Friday, as long as she is eating all her bottles. I'm not going to get my hopes up to high yet, just in case she's not up to all that yet... I am ready for her to come home, I just want it to be the right time, because I am NEVER taking her back.... lol ok, only to visit...........
Please pray that she has the strength to eat all those bottles, so that we can bring her home on Friday.........
Thank You soooooooooooooooooooo much.....
Love to all!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday Night

Well, Dusty and I just got in from seeing Josie. It is sooooo hard to leave her. I will be so glad when we get the call that we can bring her car seat and bring her home. It's coming, I just am very impatient! LOL
She is doing good. She ate a bottle for me at 4, and then they will try with her at 10. Hopefully she does well. We are trying a new nipple, so maybe she will do a little better! She weighs 6 pounds and 2 ounces tonight! She looks so good. She is getting to be a little chunky actually! LOL
Other than that, no news, just waiting to bring her home....
I'll let you all know as soon as we do, TRUST ME!!!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday afternoon...

Well, Josie is eating a little better today. She just got another infusion of her artificial immune globilins. These help her immune deficiency! She also got her hearing test done and she ............PASSED!!!!!!! Thank god, I was a little worried with all of those antibiotics, and we were told that there was a possibility that it could cause hearing impairment, but it didn't, so that is GREAT!!!!
She weighs 6 pounds 1 ounce as of last night, I forgot to put that in earlier! So, she is doing great. Hopefully we will hear an exact date on her homecoming SOON!!! As soon as I know, trust me, I will let you all know. LOL
Thanks for everything!

Friday Morning

Well, Little Miss Josie is taking it easy right now, she has kind of slipped back on her bottles. She is very very tired, which is to be expected with the chronic lung disease. They are offering it to her each time she is awake, and letting her eat what she will eat, but sometimes she just doesn't want anything to do wit it. It's ok though, she will get there. We've been patient this long....
Other than the feedings, she is doing great! Still on that 16th of a liter of oxygen...
Nothing new other than that! I will update you all later....
Thanks and Love Ya...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Morning

Well, I just got off the phone with Josie's nurse, and she had a great night! She ate a whole bottle at 10:00 p.m., they tubed her at 1:00 a.m., because she was out like a light (me too, I think it's the first time I've slept good in 3 months), at 4:00 a.m. she at a little more than half, and at 7:00 a.m. she at another whole bottle. So far, she is doing wonderful.
They took her oxygen down to a 16th of a liter. YEAH!!!! That is almost nothing!
The Dr. told me yesterday that he wasn't positive anymore that she would come home on the oxygen. He said if we would have asked him a month ago, then he would have said absolutely yes, because of the way that her lungs are, but she is a strong little girl, so who knows, time will tell....
I am off to do a million errands today. Got a lot of things to do before our little princess comes home.
I will update you all later.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday Night

Well, today was amazing. Josie is doing remarkable! She is on an 8th of a liter of oxygen, and eating all her bottles so far. If she is sleeping at a feeding time, then we are not going to wake her up, we are going to just tube it still. She has accomplished a lot today, so we don't want to rush her. If she is awake, then we will offer it to her, but if not, then we will let her just rest. She is doing great when she does take it though!
I took her glider rocker up there today, so that she had something different, and she seemed to love it. She looks so small in it.
Also, I got to do something that I have waited a long time for. I painted her little tiny toenails today! They looked beautiful. It was so funny. The nurses all got a kick out of it!
So, all is great, and we are almost ready to bring her home....
I have waited so long for this day..
I will update you more. Please continue to pray for her!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Happy Birthday, and Happy Due Date to Josie. Today is her actual due date and she also turned three months old today. I stopped at Dr. Binkiewicz's office on the way to the hospital and gave him and Christy a couple recent pictures of Josie and took them some donuts. I had a little bit of a hard time, because I just wish that I could have carried her the whole 9 months, but everything happens for a reason.
Then, I got to the hospital, and Dr. Vazquez met me in the hall, and said Happy Birthday to Josie also, and told me the updates for the day. Josie is OFF all high flow, she is just on regular oxygen, actually a 16th of a liter. That's not very much, just a small wiff. LOL She is doing great, now she just has to conquer the eating, and we will be home sweet home. I can't wait, we are almost there.
The Dr.'s and nurses bought Josie a cake and on it read, Happy Due Date Josie, and they all came in and sang to her. The Nurse Practitioner Diana actually put some icing on her finger and gave Josie a taste.... It was an amazing day.....
Please continue to pray that we can bring her home soon... Thanks, and love to you all!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Well, I hope all you Mother's had a great Mother's Day. I did, it was just a little hectic. I spent the morning with Easton, and then the afternoon at the hospital with Josie. Josie and her nurse made me a mother's day present, they took a cut out pink foot, and put her little hand prints on it. It is so cute and I will treasure it forever! Easton got me a card, and signed it from him and Josie. I love my kids so much..
Josie is doing great, she is on ALL high flow now, 1 liter.... She is doing very well with that. Next step is just regular oxygen.... Which is what she will mot likely come home on, do to the chronic lung disease.... She weighed 5 pounds 14 ounces last night.. Hard to believe that her actual due date is tomorrow! She should just now be here, it's crazy that she's been here 3 months already! Everything happens for a reason!
They did her other eye exam yesterday, and right now, it's something we have to watch, they are detecting a little vision impairment at this time, but they said that there is a chance that it will even itself out in the next couple weeks, and basically just disappear! We will pray!!!!!
I'm not going to get to worried until they tell me to. If there is definitely something wrong, they can do a surgery and TRY to correct it, but with like anything else there is no 100% guarantee that it will work.. So, for now, we will just pray that it works itself out, and if it doesn't then we will deal with it! She also has a hernia in her belly button, but they are not concerned with that right now, that's something that we will just watch, and if it ever starts to give her any trouble then we will look more into it.
For now, we are just waiting on her to take to eating all her bottles, she gets so tired from eating her bottles because it's so much work, her lungs just get so wore out!
So, we are close to home, and it is the greatest feeling in the world....
I will update you all more later.
Thanks for all your prayers, please keep them coming!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Well, we are finally home. We did the March of Dimes walk, and we had a blast! It was beautiful out, and we all enjoyed ourselves. There was about 60 of us there, friends and family today, and we are so honored, and would just like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for getting up so early this morning and driving to Akron, we truly appreciate it. Josie is blessed to have you all in her life, and so aren't we! I took a lot of pictures and even videotaped the walk, I haven't even had time to watch it yet, but I know it'll be great!
Dusty and I were asked to speak at a gathering in Akron in October, and tell Josie's story in front of like 300 people, they will do a slide show of her journey as I am talking, we can't wait. We are so honored to do this and represent the March of Dimes.....
Josie is doing great! Eating well with her bottle, and tomorrow she will go to ALL nasal canula!
She weighs 5 pounds 11.3 ounces.... Easton only weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces when he was born, she's catching up to him pretty fast!!!!
Keeping our fingers crossed that we will be able to bring her home soon!!!
Nothing other than that for now, I'll update more later...
Thanks again for all your support today, we love you all.....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday night

Well, I went to bed early with a headache, and when Dusty came to bed, he woke me up by accident, so I had him go call Josie's nurse and check on her for the night. He came back to bed, and said "Are you ready for this?" I said "Yeah, what's wrong?" He said "Josie just ate a whole bottle!!" I almost jumped out of the bed. I was sooo excited this is her 3 bottle, and she is already eating the whole thing (48 cc)! Then, he said that she did spit up at the very end, so I had to come and call the nurse and hear it for myself. Yup, it was true! The nurse, who is one of our favorites (Judy) was just as excited as we were! I know that to some being so excited about taking a bottle may seem a little strange, but for Josie, it's like hitting the lottery! HA HA HA!
Finally, something that comes easy to her, eating.... I wonder why????? It's all that Cobb in her, we sure can eat.... HA HA HA!
She weighs 5 pounds and 11 ounces tonight. Almost 6 pounds! Bye bye preemie clothes, hello newborn.
I will update you all more tomorrow, and please keep the prayers coming... Thanks, love you , night!!!!


Well, we are definitely heading in the fast path to dome. Josie is really doing great. She is up to eating 20cc with her bottle. She loves it! She is staying pretty steady with the nasal canula and c-pap. She actually gets a little aggravated when they put her on the c-pap, because she really enjoys the nasal canula, she likes all that junk off her face. She is so big, and we are so close to having our dream come true by bringing her home!
This Saturday is the big walk in Akron, and we are so honored for all of you who ordered shirts, bought raffle tickets, and made generous donations. We are so grateful to you all. The shirts look so great, I ordered Josie a little onesie that matches our shirts, but hers is hot pink camo.. Go figure! Anyone who wants to go Saturday is more than welcome, it's not to late.
I will have plenty of pictures to post.
Until then , please continue to pray that she comes home soon!
Thanks to all of you who have kept follow on her miracle journey, we can't wait for you all to meet her!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Wow, what an exciting couple of days. Josie has done GREAT! She is doing nasal canula for three hours and then c-pap for three hours, alternating like that all day.. She loves the nasal canula, and she is eating from a bottle once a day..... She loves her bottle so much, I will be glad when they let her eat with it every feeding, they just want to take it slow, and I completely agree. We are almost there.. She will be coming home soon, I just know it.
I am heading to bed, I have not slept good in the last three months, and finally today for the first time, I have taken time to just sit and look back. It has been a long three months, and Josie has stayed sooooo strong.. I am going to relax, and try to sleep tonight! I'll update more in the morning.... Please continue to pray........ We're almost home!!!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Well, today was a big day for Josie. She got to eat her first bottle today, YEAH.......
She ate 5 cc and then she was tired, so they gave the rest through her ng tube, but that is a very big step for her..... Also, she is finally wearing big girl diapers (Newborn), no more preemie diapers.... HA HA!!!
She is doing great with the nasal canula, still alternating, but that's ok, we are making progress. She will be home in no time!
Tomorrow is going to be a hard day. The little boy across the hall, Cooper will be making his journey home to be with his parents tomorrow. Cooper has been there almost as long as Josie, but he never encountered any problems, other than the prematurity itself. We have gotten very close with him and his family, so it will be hard to watch then go, but our turn is coming, slow but sure, and that's all that I can ask for.... As long as she comes home, she can take her time, because once she gets home, were never going back.......
Please continue to pray for her, I can't wait for you all to see her....

Friday, May 1, 2009


Wow, it's already May 1st. I should still be pregnant for 11 more days. Hard to believe that little Miss Josie will be 3 months old in 11 days also. She is doing well. She weighs 5 pounds 6.6 ounces. She started alternating back and fourth from c-pap to nasal canula again today, and she has done ok so far. It had just been a long 3 months, and we're just ready to have our little girl home.
I stayed home with Easton and Dusty tonight, and my Mom and Dad went to spend some time with Josie this evening. They love to go, they have her spoiled already! She definitely loves her Nan and Pa!!
Tomorrow is our baby shower, suppose to rain, so that will be nice. NOT! We are having a baby shower/ cookout... My sister-in-law and I just got off the phone, she is trying to figure something out so in case it does actually rain, and with the way that the last few days have went, it would be pretty promising...
I will take tons of pictures for Josie so that she can see her baby shower one day. LOL
It will be nice to just sit and visit, but I just wish that she could have been here, but if things would not have went crazy and her and I would not have gotten sick, she wouldn't be here yet anyways.... Can you tell today is one of those bad days.
Well, that's all I have for now, I will update some more as I get it. Please continue to pray!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday Night/ Thursday morning

Well, it's actually 3:10 on Thursday morning, and i just got home from the hospital. Josie is doing good. They are going to do the nasal canula again in the morning/afternoon, as soon as the Dr. orders it. She is just hanging out in there right now getting bigger and bigger each day. She looks wonderful.
We are going to take Easton to see her later this afternoon. He has not been there to see her since she has been in a crib, so I think that tomorrow we will let him hold her for the first time. That will be so exciting! PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES.......
Well, we sold our house..... Exciting, scary, sad, all in one.. It will be nice to go to a bigger house, but it will be scary, because I don't do well with change, and sad because little Miss Josie never got to see her old home, she will just know the new one, but it will all be for the better! So, now we are looking for something new. Yup, still looking haven't found the perfect one yet, so if we have not found the perfect one by time our time is up, then we will go stay with my Uncle until we do, so it will all work out. The next house I move to is the one that I will live in for a long time.
So, we are busy, busy, busy. We have a lot to get done....
Please continue to pray that Josie gets to come home soon. Josie's little boyfriend Cooper from across the hall in the NICU might be getting discharged next week.... That will be hard. We love that little guy, and are so happy for him, we just wish that it was our turn, and it will be SOON!!!!
So, please continue with the prayers. Love to all!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday Night

Well, nothing has really changes in a couple days. Josie weighs 5 pounds 6ounces. She is STILL on c-pap alternating with the nasal canula. Slowly but surely we are coming along.
Nothing much totell as of right now, we're just ready to have her home.
Please pray that's she can come home soon,. Not sure how much more I can take:(
Night and love you all......

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Night

Well, Dusty and I have been home from the hospital for a few hours now. When we went to get Easton from my Mom and Dad's we decided to take him on a four wheeler ride. So we all, my Mom, Dad, Dusty, Easton and I all went riding. We had a great time.
Josie is still continuing to do great! She weighs 5lbs 6 oz tonight! She is really gaining well. She is still alternating on the nasal canuala, and is enjoying it. We are just taking tings slow still, we don't want to rush her!
Nothing really new, just been busy getting everything ready for the March of Dimes walk on May 9th. It's gonna be so much fun. We have been making her posters and things and they are sooo cute. I will have tons of pictures to put on here.
I will update you as it comes. Thanks, and please continue to pray!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Night

Well, Nothing really new with Miss Josie so far this weekend. She is doing the nasal canula 3 times a day now, and she has done very well on it for the last couple days. She weighs 5 pounds 4.8 ounces tonight. She is getting so big.
Dusty and I are heading up to spend the day with her tomorrow. Nana(My mom) went and spent some time with her today, and Dusty and I spent the day with Easton, Austin and Kendal.
It's hard, because when I'm home I feel like i need to be there with Josie, and when I'm with Josie I feel like i need to be home. UGHHHHHHH..... Crazy!
This will all be over soon, and Josie will be home with us, and then I won't have to divide all this time up. I just pray that day comes soon.................
I will update you all when I get home tomorrow night. Until then We love you all... Please keep praying!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday Night

Well, Josie is 10 weeks old now, officially since 9:28 p.m.! Hard to believe that 10 weeks has went by already. Where has the time gone?
Josie weighs 5 pounds 1.5 ounces now. YEAH!!! Growing like a weed! Ready to go to those newborn clothes.
She did her last turn on nasal canula for the night, and she did great! She will sleep good tonight!
Dusty (Daddy) and Pa (My dad) went to spend a few hours with Josie this evening and I stayed home and took Easton to the block Party at the Noble Learning Center. Easton had a great time, especially with all the popcorn and cotton candy. HA HA!
Other than that, not a whole lot going on tonight.
We just got done with Josie's room. Thanks to Uncle Chris and Aunt Trinda (Meme) for all their help. PINK, PINK, PINK........
I think that she is set now, little miss Josie has more clothes than I do. Hopefully she gets a chance to wear them all!
Well, we're heading to bed. I'll let you all know what morning brings!!!
Please pray for Josie to continue to improve and make it home soon.....
Thanks and love you all!!!!


Well, Josie is doing great. The Dr.'s have been in already, and they have started her on a new formula with extra calcium and protein. She gets 42cc every three hours. Little piglet!! She is growing like a weed, and she is looking more and more like Easton.
She started alternating between, the c-pap and the nasal canula again this morning, she was on the nasal for one hour, and she dd WONDERFUL!! They will let her rest a bit, and then give her another hour. We are going to start out slow, and let her take her time. We have to be very cautious that she tolerates it well before we increase her time.
This is great! One more step closer to home.
We are off to get the rest of her stuff for her room today, and we are going to put her crib up today or tomorrow! WE ARE SO EXCITED....... Every time I think about it I just cry. I have waited a long time to do this for her, and now it's here.
Well, I will post more later and let you all know how she is tolerating her nasal canula the next time. Please pray she can do this, we're ready to have her home......
Love- Dusty, SueAnn, Easton and Josie!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well, Sorry that I didn't get a chance to post anything yesterday, but it has been a little hectic around here the last couple days.
Dusty got hurt at work on Monday, so we had to take him to the emergency room, and then the following morning we had to go to work pro. So now he is off work until next Tuesday. He smashed his elbow, it looks horrible, I can only imagine how it feels. Poor guy.
What's next??????????????
Josie is doing great!! I went up last night and stayed the majority of the night and came home around 4:30 this morning to get a couple hours sleep before Easton woke up. Dusty is here, but he is limited on his mobility right now, so I wanted to be here to help him out. I will go back this evening, myself, my mom, and my grandma. She still weighs 4 pounds 14 ounces, so that's good. Monday night she was retaining a little fluid, so now she has evened out! She had a great night while I was there, she was sleeping so sound. She is looking more and more like Easton everyday, especially while she's sleeping.
She has outgrown most of her preemie clothes already, she can still wear the onesies, but her little sleepers are to small. SHE IS SO LONG!
I am still waiting on the Dr.'s to make rounds, they are on the unit, but they have not made it to her room yet. Josie is now the senior citizen of the unit. She has been there the longest. Hopefully, our turn to leave will be coming soon:)
I will let you know what the plans for the day are as soon as I hear from the Dr.
Thank you all for your continuous thoughts and prayers! We really appreciate it!
Talk to you all soon!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Well, Josie is still doing great! The Dr.'s are going to let her have a couple more days of rest and then they are going to try the nasal canula again. I think that she will do wonderful this time. I think they just tried to early last time.
She weighs 4 pounds 14 ounces, but the Dr. said that she is a little puffy, and they think most of that is her actual weight! ALMOST 5 pounds.... It's amazing. Is this really the same little girl who weighed 1 pound 10 weeks ago? It still amazes me everyday!
Josie is on a 27 calorie feeding and then twice a day she gets 30 calories. They are trying to beef her up so that she develops new lung tissue faster! I would say it's working! HA HA!!
So, she needs to rest all that she can in the next couple days, because she has to prove that she can do the nasal canula! As soon as she is on it again, they are going to allow her to start eating with the bottle. They will leave the ng tube in just incase it takes her a little while with the bottle, but the Dr.'s and I both think that she will take right to it! She loves sucking on her binki, but with eating off the bottle she has to know to suck swallow and breath all at the same time! She will do great though, I just know it. The sooner she gets to the nasal canula and eating from a bottle, the sooner she will be home. We can't wait.
I just wanted to take a minute and tell you all a little background story. If you look at Josie's guestbook, you will see a women by the name of Paula Adams. Paula is an RN from Southeastern Ohio Regional Medical Center. 7 years ago, my niece was born, after a very tramatic delivery that is. Paula was my sister-in-laws nurse. She was wonderful. I can remember my entire family talking about how wonderful she was, and my mom even wrote a letter to the CEO of the hospital to recognize that Paula was not just an average nurse. She was phenominal. Well years later when I was pregnant with our son Easton, I had severe gall bladder trouble and was in and out of the hospital everytime I turned around, and I had the opportunity to have Paula for a nurse numerous times, and yet again she prooved that she was above and beyond just your average nurse. I instantly felt such a connection with her, and she made such a rough and trying time much much easier. She felt like family, she is such a remarkable person, and I just love her to death. Well, during this experience with Josie, I had not been ill untill the weeks before I delivered her, adn up untill then I had not had the chance to see Paula and even let her know I was expecting. Well, on that Thursday before all the labs were back and before we knew what all was going on, I was lying in the bed talking to my mom and another nurse, and in through the door was Miss Paula. I instantle was relieved. She said that she was in another room, in a delivery, and she would see me soon, but she saw my name oin the list at the nurses station, and just had to come and say hi. She kissed me on the cheek, and gave me the biggest hug. Now, how many nurses do that. Paula is more than a nurse, she is one of the most wonderful people I know. I think that these nurses around here deserve much more credit then they are ever given. Paula if you get the chance to read this, I can't wait for you to meet little Miss Josie. You are amazing, and we will never foreget you. Please stay in touch. We Love You!!!
So, for now, that's all. Please continue to pray for Josie, and that the next few days go smooth for her...
Thank you all sooo much.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well, Josie has had a good, but long weekend. She started getting her vaccinations this weekend, and it has just wore her out. She is half the size of a full term baby and is getting the same amounts that those babies would get, so it is definitely taking it's toll on her. She had spiked a little fever with it, but the Dr.'s said that was normal and they started giving her some Tylenol.
My sister-in-law Kim and I went to visit today. This is the first time that Kim has been able to go and see her since Josie was just a couple days old. Kim and my brother Ralph have been helping with Easton, so they have just gotten the chance to go here lately.
Josie is retaining a little fluid this evening, so she weighs 4 pounds and 13 ounces, but the nurse says that a few of those ounces are fluid, so once her meds kick in she will lose some of that, so she actually probably weighs 4 pounds 10 ounces. That's just a guess.
Other than that, Dr. Ford had a little good news today. She said that Josie SHOULD be home sometime in the next 5 weeks. She doesn't look for her to be there any longer than that! I think I was floating on the clouds when she told me that. Those are words that I have waited to hear for 10 weeks now. We have watched babies come and go, come and go, and soon it will be our turn to go.
The Dr.'s and nurses are wonderful, and they have made us feel right at home. It will be hard to leave them, they have became part of our family in the last 10 weeks. We will forever be grateful to the Aultman Staff, I hope that they realize how important they are in our lives. They have made the dream of bringing our little miracle baby home a reality!
So, I am trying not to get my hopes up to high, I do keep a little place in the back of my mind telling myself that i she does not get to come home in the next 5 weeks, it will be ok, and it won't be long after that, but it's hard! I just hope that everything continues to go well, and that we will be making that trip home for good SOON!!!
We have a lot to do in the next 5 weeks, and a lot of baby shopping to do! YEAH!!!! Think of all that pink and purple that we get to buy. After 2 years of all blue, I didn't think they made any other color. HA HA!!!!
So, for now, we will enjoy our time with Easton, and make him feel as special as we have for the last 2 years, and try to prepare him and ourselves for her arrival home. That will be one heck of a day, both my babies together, each and everyday! Easton is going to be a great big brother..
I can see it now, we are going to have to put Josie in the dresser drawers to sleep, so Easton doesn't try to get in her crib with her. He will have her in the wagon of his tractor driving her around the house. HA HA!!!
Well, please continue to pray that she keeps improving, and that she does indeed come home soon. Thanks. We can't wait for you all to meet our miracle baby!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Afternnon

I just wanted to take a minute and thank all of you who have taken the time to follow Little Miss Josie's journey so far. Thank you for the prayers, and all of you concerns with our entire family. It's times like this that it's nice to live in such a small community.
There have been people that I don't even know, who have sent us cards, e-mailed us, and even visited Josie's blog.
I have made some amazing friendships through this experience, and connected with people that I never would have dreamed of having things in common with , and it has been those people who have given me some great advise, and wonderful words of wisdom.
At the beginning of this with Josie, it seemed like we were all alone, and then people who were in our same situation came to us and made us realize that we were not alone, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. One day indeed, Josie will come home, and sleep in her own crib, play with her big brother, and just enjoy her life. She has fought for every breath that she has taken for the last 10 weeks. The last couple of weeks have been much easier, but it is still a little fight for her little body.
We have watched our daughter go from a little 1 pound 15 ounce baby girl with her eyes still fused shut, to an amazing miracle, a strong willed little girl who smiles at you when you talk to her, and grips your finger as she holds on. It has been nothing short of a miracle.
The Dr.'s and nurses have saved our little girls life. I'm not sure how they do what they do, but our entire family is greatful for them, and we always will be.
In the years to come, we will look back on this, and we will tell Josie just how strong she was, and we can show her the pictures of how small she was, and that she never gave up, she did what she had to do. I will never forget when she first got sick, and the Dr.'s were not sure that she would beable to fight the infection, I put my hands inside her isolette, layed them on her head and her belly, and I looked at the Dr.'s with tears rolling down my face, and said" You do not know where she comes from, she is going to prove you all wrong, and get through this, we just have to keep the faith". Well, here we are weeks later, watching her make memories everyday!
I can't wait for her to get home, and get strong, so that she can come and meet all of you who have stood by her side, kept the faith in her, and continued to pray.
I dream about bringing her home everynight, and watching her play with Easton, Austin and Kendal( My nephew and niece)! It will be such an amazing day.
Also, thanks to all of you who are joining us on MAy 9th for the March of Dimes Walk. It will be great to show Josie all the pictures and the tape of who came to show their support for her. We know that not everyone can be there that day, we know who you are, and that if you could be, then you would be. Just knowing that you care has meant so much to us.
We love you all, please continue to pray for her to continue to improve, and to be home soon!!
Love You All.....................................................


Well, Josie is still continuing to do well. She started getting her vaccinations late last night, so she has a small fever right now, but they have given her some Tylenol to help with that. She will get another vaccination later. I asked them to break them up as much as possible so that she didn't get so many at one time. I think she has been through enough!
She is still on her c-pap, they have not started up the nasal canula again yet, which is just fine with me, I think she needs a little more time to rest, and let her lungs get a little stronger.
My mom and Grandma went to visit today, and spend the day with her. I have just been cleaning and playing with Easton. This is the first day in a long time that I have just stayed around home, I just feel like I should be there with her every second, so my Mom and Grandma went so that I could get some things done around here. I thik this is the first time that my house has gotten a good cleaning in almost 10 weeks....
I will talk to you all again soon.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Well, Little Miss Josie weighs 4 pounds 8 ounces tonight! She is doing great in her crib, and loving it!
Nothing has really changed since yesterday!
All is well, I will just be glad when she is home! I really miss having my kids together, and all of us being able to do things together.
Everything will be better soon.
I'll update more as I have things to tell you, for now, just please keep praying!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well, Josie went back into the crib today. She weighs 4 pounds 5. 8 ounces tonight. She is not doing the nasal canula for a few days, because she was starting to show us some signs that her little lungs are not ready for that!
She is doing great other than just needing to relax.
No big changes, just taking it day to day, letting her relax, and letting her grow.
She is looking more and more like Easton every day. Her is is getting so long, and is so blond, and she has such big beautiful eyes!
Well, I will update you all tomorrow, but for now, that's all I have. No changes actually is good news, just sitting status quo!!!
Please continue to pray!
Love Ya All!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well, everything is basically the same as yesterday, which is good! She did do some time on nasal canula today and tolerated it very well! We will do more and more time on nasal canula each day.
They have not weighed her tonight yet, so as soon as they do, I will let you know. I am going to visit her tonight when I get Easton and Dusty in bed. Dusty had his wisdom teeth pulled and his molars today, so he is not in any shape to take care of Easton. HA HA!!
Please just continue to pray that Josie keep improving and that she can come home soon.
Talk to you all soon!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday Night

Sorry I haven't posted anything today, but I just got home from the hospital. I got to bath Josie for the first time. The nurses have been the ones doing it, but tonight it was all Mommy!!! I was so thrilled. Things are just getting better and better. I pray that they continue to go that way!
She is on the c-pap of 4 at about 25% oxygen, and then she has her turns with the high flow nasal canula also. We skipped the high flow turn this evening, because this morning she got a little tired and her resperations were up, so I suggested to the Dr. that maybe we should just skip the next one and let her rest, and then start again in the morning. When I gave her her bath tonight we did put her on the high flow for just an hour or so, but then we put her right back on the c-pap and she did wonderful, NO trouble at all, so she will be ready to go by morning.
She weighs 4 pounds 5 ounces tonight, she is getting so big! Actually some of her preemie clothes are getting to small. I never thought I would be so happy to see her outgrow her clothes!
I will be going to see Josie again tomorrow evening, I can't go in the morning, because I have to take Dusty to get his wisdom teeth pulled out. I will take care of him for most of the day, and then Easton and I will go spend some time with her!
So, everything is going great! Please continue to pray that she stays healthy, and gets to come home soon....

**** Remember, If anyone else is interested in doing the March Of Dimes walk with us all, please contact us SOON!!!! Thanks...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Morning

I just talked to Josie's nurse, and Josie has hit the 4 pound mark. She actually weighs 4 pounds and 1 ounce. Hard to believe the little girl who weighed 1 pound 8 weeks ago is up to 4 pounds today. It's amazing.
She is doing great, she's up to 34cc every 3 hours on her feedings, and she is doing great! She got her nasal canula time at 3:30 this morning until 5:30, and she did good. They will do it again at 2:30 today.
I am waiting to get a call from the Dr.'s to see what the plan for today is. They had not made rounds the last time I talked to the nurse.
I am heading up as soon as my dad or Dusty gets home to get Easton, and spend the evening and most the night with her since Dusty is off tomorrow!
I'll post more when I talk toy the Dr.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday Night

Well, we just got home from seeing Josie, and picking up Easton. We are pooped.
Josie is doing great. She was on nasal canula for like 5 or 6 hours total today, and she loved every minute of it. They will alternate back and forth from the c=pap to nasal canula until her lungs get use to the change. So far so good though, she seemed very relaxed on the nasal canula. It was so great to see her whole little face today. She looked soooo cute. Her little boyfriend across the hall (Cooper) got her an outfit and a stuffed bunny that sings.
We have actually became very close with Cooper's parents. He to was born at 27 weeks, but 2 weeks later than Josie, he was born at 9:27 p.m, and Josie was born at 9:28 p.m., he weighed 1 pound 14 ounces, and little Miss Josie weighed 1 pound 15 ounces. It has been so nice to get to know someone else that is going through the exact same things that we are. They are amazing people, and we think the world of them. We were talking tonight about the kids getting to go home, and that we will HAVE to keep in touch, and make visits. It will be neat years from now to let the kids know that we actually all met in the NICU! How many people can say that their friendship started in a NICU! HA HA...
So, all though that we have had a rough 8 weeks, we have met some amazing people, some with situations a lot better the ours, and some with situations a lot worse. See, things could always be worse. We are just thankful that Josie is doing so well, and that we are on the road to home.
The power of prayer does wonderful things. We thank you so much for all your prayers!
I will post more later when they weigh her. Talk to you all soon!!!

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone, I hope that the bunny found it's way to your house. Easton got a John Deere battery operated tractor with a wagon, and his wagon was full of candy. Crazy bunny!!!
Little Miss Josie got a cute pink ballerina basket full of 2 oz baby bottles, onesies, and some baby headbands. That bunny sure knows what she needs.
I talked to the nurse this morning, and she is doing WONDERFUL! She is keeping her body temperature now, so they are thinking about putting her back in her crib, and also they ARE going to start her on the nasal canula today, and see how she does. I know that she will do GREAT! She just has to take things slow!
We are spending time with Easton, and then my mom is coming to get him, and we are going to see Josie.
We wish you all a very Happy Easter.
I'll talk to you all soon!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Night

Wow, we have had a busy day. Easter egg hunts, wrestling tournaments, and more Easter egg hunts. Easton is sooo wore out.
Josie is doing wonderful, she is still in her isolette, they are just going to let her hang out there for a couple days, she actually sleeps better in there anyways. She is at 26% oxygen and her c-pap is on the last level, a pressure of 4. She weighs 3 lbs. 15.8 oz. Almost 4 pounds. How exciting!!
We are getting our Easter baskets ready to put out for the Easter bunny, never thought that I would have 2 kids this Easter, but I am soooo thankful that I do.
Dusty has had a hard day, I think that he has told me a hundred times today that he wishes that she wasn't so far away, and that he misses her. His eyes just tear up, and it breaks my heart. He, and all of us just want her home so bad. I just keep telling him soon enough. We literally dream about that day!
Other than that, that's all I have for right now. Thanks for everything everyone. We really appreciate it..

Saturday Morning

Good morning everyone.
Josie is doing wonderful this morning. She is in her isolette still just relaxing, and her oxygen is down to 23%. Room air is 21% so actually she is only at 2%. They are just letting her stay in her isolette to keep toasty, and she will get in her crib later. No hurry, as long as she is doing good, I don't care where she sleeps. HA HA...
Still waiting on the Dr.s to make their rounds so I'm not really sure what the plans for today are.
We, Dusty and I, are getting ready to take Easton to the Easter egg hunt, and then we are going to see Josie later this evening.
I'll talk to you all later. Have a great day, it looks like it's going to be wonderful!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Night

Well, I just got off the phone with the nurses, and Josie had to go back in her isolette tonight. Her body temperature was down some, so they did some blood work to rule out infection, and that all came back negative. So, that's great. She must have just been chilly tonight. We all forget that she is still so tiny! She isn't even 4 pounds yet. She still has a long way to go.
Other than that she is doing great. She will go back to her crib tomorrow. She just needed a little warm air..
Other than that, not a whole lot going on.
I will let you know more tomorrow!!

Friday Evening

Well, I am up here at the hospital with Josie, and I just got her bathed and all dressed. Picked her outfits out for the next couple of days, so now she is ready to go.
She is doing great, she's actually sleeping right this minute, so I snouck out to the computer which is in the family waiting area. I told Dusty that the Easter Bunny better bring me a laptop for Easter. HA HA!!
She is still in a pressure of 5 at 27% oxygen, I THINK that they MIGHT take her to nasal canula tomorrow, but who knows! As long as she is doing good, I don't care what they do. I just don't want them to rush her. She was to sick of a baby to rush her, she has had a long 8 weeks.
We are taking Easton to the Easter Egg hunt tomorrow, and then Dusty and I are coming to visit for a few hours, and then we are going home, because the Easter Bunny will come tomorrow night for Easton. Then Sunday we are doing Easter with Easton in the morning, while my mom and Grandma come and see Josie, then they are coming to get Easton, and then Dusty and I will come do Easter with little Josie. We were going to bring Easton on Sunday also, but he has started with a runny nose, so I think that it would be best of we didn't bring him, just to be on the safe side. We can't handle anymore bad times. Next year the four of us will be together for Easter.
So, I will be heading home soon so that we can color eggs with Easton tonight, so I will update you all later. O' by the way Josie weights 3lbs 14.5 oz. ALMOST 4 POUNDS!!!!! YEAH!!!!!
Love- Dusty, SueAnn, Easton and Josie

Thursday and Friday Morning Update

Well Sorry that I didn't get a chance to post for Thursday, but I spent the majority of my time with little Miss Josie. I am finding it harder and harder to leave her room, let alone leave the hospital to come home, but Easton is here, and he needs me also. I try to break my time up as much as I can and spend equal time with them both. It's hard, let me tell ya.
Well, the intentions for Thursday, or so we were mistold were that Josie was suppose to come off the c-pap and go to nasal canula. That's what one Dr. said, but when the other Dr. came in the room, he said that was not the intentions for that day. He wanted to let her relax on the c-pap for just a little while longer. He said that we all have to remember that her lungs are severely damaged from the infections, and the ventilator. She has to do things slow, and work up to things. We all agreed, please do not rush her. She(Josie) will let us know when it's safe.
So Thursday, she just relaxed, and enjoyed her crib, and listened to her CD player and lullaby's that the Easter Bunny brought her early. She love her music. She was at a pressure of 5 on c-pap running in about 27 % oxygen, and statting in the high 90's.

Today is Friday morning, and i just got off the phone with the nurse, and she is still doing GREAT! The Dr. is in the NICU, but has not made rounds yet, so I am waiting to see what the plans for today are. A new Dr. takes over rotation today, one that Josie has had many times before, but they work 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off for their rotations. So, the last time that she saw Josie, she was one sick little girl, and now she is not, so I am anxious to see what she has to say about her progress.
I am heading up there as soon as Dusty gets home from work. They are only working half a day today, so I will be heading out soon. He is going to spend the day with Easton and fill our eggs for our Easter egg hunt at my mom and dad's tomorrow night.
I will let you all know more here in a bit, and thank you everyone for EVERYTHING!!