Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday- - -

Well, I think that we have taken another huge sigh of relief, actually, I know we have. We had to go get Josie's hearing retested yesterday, because she failed her screening when we left the NICU. They were afraid that some of the medicine that we had to give Josie to fight the infections had damaged her hearing. But, IT DID NOT!!!!!! SHE PASSED ALL HEARING TESTS!
Then we had her eye exam, and everything is now normal. YES!!!! NO TROUBLE. What a miracle! If we could just get her a new set of lungs. LOL She is getting there, slow but sure, it just takes time and patients!!
She is doing great! She weighs 7 pounds and 6 ounces as of Tuesday! She is getting so big!
My Aunt and her entire family is coming in the weekend from Tennessee, they are so excited to meet her. It has been so hard for them all being so far away!
Everything is going great, and just what we expected. Easton is doing well, still adapting, he hasn't told me to take her back for a few days now, so I think that it might be setting in that she is here to stay!
All is well, and thanks again for everything to all of you! We hope you continue to follow her journey!


  1. Congrats. That's great news! Way to go Josie!

  2. It is always such a relief when another milestone is met with good news! Hoping Josie keeps growing and doing so well!!!
