Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday June 30th...

Well little Miss Josie weighs 8 pounds 12 ounces. She is just growing like a weed. Really don't have a lot to post right now, we are just staying pretty busy.... She loves to go places, and be outside.
She is smiling, and focusing on all things now. She holds her head right up and looks at us. She is so strong. She loves for you to put her on her belly, and us to put our hands behind her feet and she just pushes across the floor. She loves to sit up in your arms and be able to see everything, the only time she likes to lay down now is if she's sleeping, and that's not very often either.
She is such a little miracle. She has just blossomed into a precious little girl so full of life. We cherish everyday with her....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Night

Wow, we have been so busy, and it has been so nice out that Josie has really been able to enjoy the outside. On Saturday we ventured to the zoo, and she slept the entire time.. She did great though. We kept her visors pulled, and didn't let ANYONE touch her, she just enjoyed the ride.
We put a pool up last night, so she was able to spend some time outside today, under the patio of course... She is almost 9 pounds and is changing so much,. She loves to just sit and stare at us, she can really focus now.
We got great news from the physical and occupational therapy- They said that she is doing great and that they will check on her once a month, but at this time she is doing more than what she should be. So, obviously we are thrilled!!!
We have a small break from Dr.'s appointments until the 30th, so we are going to just enjoy being at home, and enjoy this lovely weather.....
Love to you all......

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY- Wednesday afternoon

Wow, what a busy week we have had. Josie is up to 8 pounds 4 ounces now. She is getting so big so fast! We went to the pulminoligist on Monday, and he said that she was doing great. We have her at an 8th of a liter of oxygen and she is doing so well with it. She is sure keeping us busy. Easton is loving her, we lay her on the floor and he loves to lay beside her, I think that they will be best buds when they get older, I'm sure they will!
We go back to the pulminoligist in 2 weeks and w will see what goes on then, we know that he is going to taker her off her diuretics, so that is a big step for her, she has been on them since she got sick.
She had her other infusion of the artificial immune globlins, and she did ok once they got the I.V. in her head. I hate when they have to put it in her head, but her veins are so small, and the infusion takes 6 hours, so they have to find a big vein to hold up for the whole infusion.
Hopefully we don't have to do that again, that was her 3rd one....
So, we are staying very busy, just loving being home with our family. She has went a few places, but not to many, still just a little scary.
We will keep you all updated. Talk to you all soon. Love you all.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009


So, Josie will be 4 months old tomorrow! Crazy how fast the time has went. She had a check up today and she weighed 7 pounds and 14 ounces. Almost 8 pounds. She is doing great, as you can see she is growing like a weed. Nothing really new, we will have more of an update Monday.....
Take care, and love to you all.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon

Well, I think that the wrong people got the impression on my venting episode last night. LOL I was talking about the other side of the family. LOL My family and friends have been wonderful. Barbie, we love you, and are thinking of you and your sister, and we are all praying for her. I will get you your pictures SOON!!
Morgan and Justin and Cade, you guys are great! We can't wait for you to meet our Little miss Josie, we know that you care so much, your posts sure do show it....
Paula, we have to set up a date for you to meet her. You are always in our thoughts and we can't wait to see you with her...
To all My wonderful family and friends we know that you are there. We love you all so much..
Josie is sleeping right now, a little upset belly today, so we are just relaxing and watching cartoons. Hope you all are enjoying the wonderful weather...
Busy weekend with Josie's infusion on Sunday and the palminoligist on Monday!
We will let you all know what we find out...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday Night

So, things are still going great! Just busy! We have family here from Tennessee visiting, and getting the chance to meet Miss Josie. Everyone just can't get over how small she is, I tell them that they should have seen her 4 months ago, that was small. She is doing so wonderful!
Nothing really new, haven't had any Dr.'s appointments, so we have no new news.....
We are so glad that MY family and friends have been there for us, and have taken the time out of there busy schedules to come and visit, or give us a call. Some family that is close doesn't bother to call, it's the family that has to drive for hours that really shows they care. Can you tell some frustration has set in. Dusty and I now see who the real ones are that care...
Can you tell that we have been having our serious talks. We both agreed that someday those people will regret the decisions that they have made, and it will be too late. All WE can say is THANK GOD for my family and friends...
So, now that I have vented to you all, and you think that I have lost my mind, I am going to go and relax with the family! I'm sure that you all have felt this way sometime or another in your life, or maybe not, maybe I was the only one that got sucked in... LOL
Love to you all!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday- - -

Well, I think that we have taken another huge sigh of relief, actually, I know we have. We had to go get Josie's hearing retested yesterday, because she failed her screening when we left the NICU. They were afraid that some of the medicine that we had to give Josie to fight the infections had damaged her hearing. But, IT DID NOT!!!!!! SHE PASSED ALL HEARING TESTS!
Then we had her eye exam, and everything is now normal. YES!!!! NO TROUBLE. What a miracle! If we could just get her a new set of lungs. LOL She is getting there, slow but sure, it just takes time and patients!!
She is doing great! She weighs 7 pounds and 6 ounces as of Tuesday! She is getting so big!
My Aunt and her entire family is coming in the weekend from Tennessee, they are so excited to meet her. It has been so hard for them all being so far away!
Everything is going great, and just what we expected. Easton is doing well, still adapting, he hasn't told me to take her back for a few days now, so I think that it might be setting in that she is here to stay!
All is well, and thanks again for everything to all of you! We hope you continue to follow her journey!