Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday October 20th

Well, Josie continues to amaze us.... She is rolling all over the place, and hates to sit still. She hates going to sleep, so therefor she fights her sleep ALL DAY LONG!!!!
She is almost 15 pounds now, growing like a weed, and looking more and more like her brother everyday...
We had our Chef's Auction last night for the March of Dimes fundraiser in Akron. It was the first time I had told Josie's story in public..... It was great, believe it or not, I help myself together, it was a little iffy at one time..... The crowd was in tears....... As so was Daddy, Grandma, Nan and Pa!!! They did a slide show of Josie from day one until now, she has came such a long way!
She is coming off her oxygen, slow but sure, I still don't wanna rush her.
She's just perfect.........
Well, that's all for now, update you all more later, she is needing my attention right at this moment, and she has NO patience...... LOL
Love to you all!!!!