Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well, Josie has had a good, but long weekend. She started getting her vaccinations this weekend, and it has just wore her out. She is half the size of a full term baby and is getting the same amounts that those babies would get, so it is definitely taking it's toll on her. She had spiked a little fever with it, but the Dr.'s said that was normal and they started giving her some Tylenol.
My sister-in-law Kim and I went to visit today. This is the first time that Kim has been able to go and see her since Josie was just a couple days old. Kim and my brother Ralph have been helping with Easton, so they have just gotten the chance to go here lately.
Josie is retaining a little fluid this evening, so she weighs 4 pounds and 13 ounces, but the nurse says that a few of those ounces are fluid, so once her meds kick in she will lose some of that, so she actually probably weighs 4 pounds 10 ounces. That's just a guess.
Other than that, Dr. Ford had a little good news today. She said that Josie SHOULD be home sometime in the next 5 weeks. She doesn't look for her to be there any longer than that! I think I was floating on the clouds when she told me that. Those are words that I have waited to hear for 10 weeks now. We have watched babies come and go, come and go, and soon it will be our turn to go.
The Dr.'s and nurses are wonderful, and they have made us feel right at home. It will be hard to leave them, they have became part of our family in the last 10 weeks. We will forever be grateful to the Aultman Staff, I hope that they realize how important they are in our lives. They have made the dream of bringing our little miracle baby home a reality!
So, I am trying not to get my hopes up to high, I do keep a little place in the back of my mind telling myself that i she does not get to come home in the next 5 weeks, it will be ok, and it won't be long after that, but it's hard! I just hope that everything continues to go well, and that we will be making that trip home for good SOON!!!
We have a lot to do in the next 5 weeks, and a lot of baby shopping to do! YEAH!!!! Think of all that pink and purple that we get to buy. After 2 years of all blue, I didn't think they made any other color. HA HA!!!!
So, for now, we will enjoy our time with Easton, and make him feel as special as we have for the last 2 years, and try to prepare him and ourselves for her arrival home. That will be one heck of a day, both my babies together, each and everyday! Easton is going to be a great big brother..
I can see it now, we are going to have to put Josie in the dresser drawers to sleep, so Easton doesn't try to get in her crib with her. He will have her in the wagon of his tractor driving her around the house. HA HA!!!
Well, please continue to pray that she keeps improving, and that she does indeed come home soon. Thanks. We can't wait for you all to meet our miracle baby!!

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