Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Afternnon

I just wanted to take a minute and thank all of you who have taken the time to follow Little Miss Josie's journey so far. Thank you for the prayers, and all of you concerns with our entire family. It's times like this that it's nice to live in such a small community.
There have been people that I don't even know, who have sent us cards, e-mailed us, and even visited Josie's blog.
I have made some amazing friendships through this experience, and connected with people that I never would have dreamed of having things in common with , and it has been those people who have given me some great advise, and wonderful words of wisdom.
At the beginning of this with Josie, it seemed like we were all alone, and then people who were in our same situation came to us and made us realize that we were not alone, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. One day indeed, Josie will come home, and sleep in her own crib, play with her big brother, and just enjoy her life. She has fought for every breath that she has taken for the last 10 weeks. The last couple of weeks have been much easier, but it is still a little fight for her little body.
We have watched our daughter go from a little 1 pound 15 ounce baby girl with her eyes still fused shut, to an amazing miracle, a strong willed little girl who smiles at you when you talk to her, and grips your finger as she holds on. It has been nothing short of a miracle.
The Dr.'s and nurses have saved our little girls life. I'm not sure how they do what they do, but our entire family is greatful for them, and we always will be.
In the years to come, we will look back on this, and we will tell Josie just how strong she was, and we can show her the pictures of how small she was, and that she never gave up, she did what she had to do. I will never forget when she first got sick, and the Dr.'s were not sure that she would beable to fight the infection, I put my hands inside her isolette, layed them on her head and her belly, and I looked at the Dr.'s with tears rolling down my face, and said" You do not know where she comes from, she is going to prove you all wrong, and get through this, we just have to keep the faith". Well, here we are weeks later, watching her make memories everyday!
I can't wait for her to get home, and get strong, so that she can come and meet all of you who have stood by her side, kept the faith in her, and continued to pray.
I dream about bringing her home everynight, and watching her play with Easton, Austin and Kendal( My nephew and niece)! It will be such an amazing day.
Also, thanks to all of you who are joining us on MAy 9th for the March of Dimes Walk. It will be great to show Josie all the pictures and the tape of who came to show their support for her. We know that not everyone can be there that day, we know who you are, and that if you could be, then you would be. Just knowing that you care has meant so much to us.
We love you all, please continue to pray for her to continue to improve, and to be home soon!!
Love You All.....................................................

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