Thursday, July 2, 2009


Well, we had our second appointmet with the pulminoligist today, and he said that she is growing beautifully! She weighes 8 pounds 14 ounces... What a ham...................
She is still on the 8th of a liter of oxygen, and he wants to keep her on that for a little while longer just so that she can put all her effort into eating and continue to grow well. He's afraid that if he takes the oxygen away, then she will have to put so much work into breathing and eating that she will not continue to gain as well as she has. So, he knows best... I think she likes that thing in her nose anyways. LOL
As for her infusions for her immune deficiency, we were not as lucky. He said that the blood work that he drew was not good. Meaning that her levels for her immune system are extremely low.. These infusions are something that she might have to do for a very long time, and possibly forever. If the nurses have a hard time with the IV again, the she MIGHT have to go to Akron's Children and have surgery to have a port put in. I hope and pray that we do not have to put her through that. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!!
So, that is the bug news for now. She is just loving life right now....
We hope that you all have a Happy and safe 4th of July... Dusty's birthday is July 4th, so Josie will get to attend her first birthday party!!!
Happy 4th!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying the IV goes well!! And so glad to hear Josie is gaining and growing so well!!
